
How to register for the LIVE auction

How to register for the LIVE auction

We cordially invite you to the 158th Live Auction! You can bid in person at the venue, via telephone connection, or by written limit.


I want to participate in the auction for the first time. How?

The artworks of the 158th Winter Auction will be auctioned in a combined ONLINE-LIVE format.


1/ ONLINE until November 25, 2024, 9:00 PM


Just register for bidding in the online auction on our website.

We will continue with the results from the ONLINE auction at the LIVE auction.


2/ LIVE AUCTION November 26, 2024, 7:00 PM

Moyzes Hall, Vajanského nábrežie 12, Bratislava

If you participated in the online auction, we will contact you during November 26th to ask if you wish to continue at the live auction.


REGISTRATION for the live auction

You can bid in person at the venue, via telephone connection, or by written limit.

Registration will take place on-site from 6:00 PM.

For setting up a written limit or telephone connection, our colleague Alexandra Štofaník is at your disposal:

tel.: +421 905 622 347

e-mail: stofanikova@soga.sk


158. Zimná aukciaNa aukcii bolo vydražených 74 diel (57%) v celkovej hodnote 502 250 €. Nevydražené diela je možné zakúpiť v našich výstavných priestoroch.


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